Community Guidelines

Last updated: 12/07/2024

Rule 1: Respect Everyone

Within our community, we prioritise respect, inclusivity, and kindness regardless of sexual orientation, gender, age or background. We are committed to fostering an environment where everyone can enjoy their time free from bullying, discrimination, and harassment. Upholding this commitment is crucial, and it's simple — just be kind and ensure all actions and comments are justified within the context of roleplay. At Apollo Networks we want everyone to feel welcome and to be proud of being a part of our community. Sexual harassment, bullying, excessive name calling or shaming and any remarks that reference a character's "out of character" life or persona are strictly off-limits. Additionally, making derogatory comments towards players who are downed or whilst you are downed during hostile roleplay is prohibited. We are all here to have fun and escape the dramas and negativity of the real world.

Rule 2: Respect the Staff Team

Our community holds itself to high standards of respect and professionalism. Staff abuse, slander, and disputes are not acceptable. If a staff member provides guidance or imposes a sanction, please refrain from arguing on the spot. If you believe a decision is unjust, we encourage you to submit a detailed staff ticket via our discord. Escalating disagreements with staff only complicates matters. Please value and respect our staff's dedication and time. Impersonation of a staff member is strictly prohibited. If you ever have concerns regarding staff conduct, please report it via a ticket.

Rule 3: Exploiting / Cheating / Executing

Utilizing third-party programs to gain undue advantages is absolutely forbidden. This includes cheating, exploiting undiscovered glitches, duplicating weapons/items, use of macros, or misusing commands to identify players.

Rule 4: Mature Themes

Our community prioritizes the well-being and comfort of all participants. Consequently, any roleplay involving mature or triggering themes—such as sexual harassment, assault, or self-harm—is expressly forbidden. If you find yourself questioning whether a particular theme is permitted, it's best to err on the side of caution. Always be mindful of fellow participants and choose themes that ensure a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. Let's create a respectful roleplaying experience for all.

Rule 5: Reporting Rule Breaks

For in-game grievances against a player or to report a bug, please use the /report feature. Please be specific and descriptive in your reports; vague requests such as "admin to me" or "fix my car" will not receive a response. If, for any reason, you're unable to use /report, you can submit a Player Report via our Discord ticket system. Failure to report via these channels (i.e., directly messaging staff or taking matters into your own hands) will be considered a breach of this rule.

Witch-Hunting and Vigilantism: Any attempts to enforce the server rules yourself or harass rule breakers will result in punishment under Rule 1 and Rule 5. Members are requested to report any rule-breaking behavior through the appropriate channels and allow the staff team to handle the situation.

Rule 6: Age Restrictions

Every Roleplayed Character within Apollo Networks must be 18+..

Rule 7: Driving

  • Off-Road Driving: Not all vehicles are designed for off-road experiences. If you take a vehicle off the road that isn't designed for such terrains, expect staff intervention. Navigate tunnels or off-road terrains with caution—drive slowly, take turns gently, and authentically roleplay any potential injuries.

  • Specialty Vehicles: Drag, sprint, and drift vehicles are subject to additional scrutiny. Ensure these vehicles remain on their designated roads. For instance, sprint vehicles should not be driven off-road or on beaches.

  • Carrying Passengers: If transporting another player in a vehicle, you may have one person inside (excluding the driver) and one in the trunk/boot. To use the trunk/boot feature, engage your "third eye" by pressing the left alt button.

  • Bikes: It's prohibited to carry someone on a bike. There's no valid roleplay justification for this action.

  • Simultaneous Carrying and Driving: You're not permitted to both drive and carry someone inside the vehicle.

Rule 8: Must Have a Mic

Within our FiveM server, all players engaging in roleplay are required to have a functional and clear microphone. Exceptions can be made, but only with a valid reason presented to the staff team via a ticket submission. We prioritize immersive and coherent interactions for all participants.

Rule 9: Safe Zones

Designated areas across the map serve as safe zones, ensuring a violence-free environment. Engaging in hostile actions, such as shooting or ramming, is strictly prohibited within these zones. Moreover, it's against the rules to initiate hostile roleplay and then seek refuge in a safe zone. It's also forbidden to transport a player out of a safe zone to start hostile interactions.

Additionally, all officially recognized businesses within the server are considered safe zones. Any form of hostile roleplay within these premises is strictly off-limits.

Rule 10: Breaking Character

While in the city, speaking out of character (OOC) is restricted unless you are explicitly engaged in an OOC interaction with staff. Staff members hold the authority to enforce this rule if they witness any violations. OOC should be reserved for extreme situations. General questions or comments made in OOC may be removed, and repeated misuse can result in disciplinary actions. Please maintain the immersive environment by minimizing OOC interruptions.

Rule 11: Metagaming

Metagaming is a serious breach of our server rules. Engaging in metagaming can lead to significant penalties, often more severe than those for other rule infringements. Regardless of your history or standing, it's never worth the risk. Metagaming is defined as using information that your character hasn't organically acquired during roleplay. Examples include sourcing information from external broadcasts, relying on platforms like Discord instead of in-city communication tools, or acquiring information from other players outside of character interactions. It's also essential to remember that if you roleplay multiple characters, they cannot exchange information in any manner, including through intermediaries. Always strive for authentic and immersive roleplay experiences.

Rule 12: Powergaming

Powergaming, a significant breach of our server rules, refers to the misuse of game mechanics or unrealistic roleplay to gain an advantage. Examples include:

  • Overhearing Conversations: If you, as a player, hear conversations through walls or inside vehicles, you should disregard this information, as your character wouldn't naturally be privy to it.

  • Camera Misuse: Utilizing third-person cameras to see areas outside your character's perspective for an unfair advantage violates this rule.

  • Game Menu Exploits: This includes actions like using job menus when off-duty or canceling animations/emotes for personal gain.

  • Shift Punching: The act of "shift punching" (using shift while melee attacking) is a clear instance of powergaming.

  • Adding PVP Enhancements: Modifying your FiveM folder to boost visibility, range, bullet tracers, etc., is not allowed.

  • Reviving: Shooting someone and then compelling a medic to revive them for continued roleplay is considered powergaming. Similarly, taking someone to a hospital, forcing them to check in, and then robbing or kidnapping them is prohibited.

  • Binding Automated Actions: Binding actions like "/do steals phone, radio, and duck tapes mouth" is not allowed. If you intend to perform such actions, you must type them out manually.

  • Misconduct in Safezones: Engaging in baiting within a Safezone is a breach of this rule.

  • Exploiting Mechanics: If it's evident that another player couldn't realistically obtain an item, exploiting game mechanics to do so is considered powergaming.

In summary, always aim for realism in your roleplay. If you're unsure about an action being powergaming, it's best to refrain.

Rule 13: Fear RP/Valuing Your Life

Value your character's life as you would your own. While portraying bravery is commendable, it should not venture into the realm of the unrealistic. Here are some guidelines to ensure you're giving due regard to your character's life:

  1. Real-world precautions apply: Just as you'd check both directions before crossing a street in reality, your character should do the same in-game.

  2. Guns dictate caution: If someone draws a gun on you and you don’t have a weapon out, it's prudent to surrender. Similarly, if you're in a stationary vehicle and threatened with a firearm, you should heed the aggressor's commands. However, if your vehicle is already running, you may drive away, but deliberately running over the aggressor is not allowed and will be considered a breach of the VDM (Vehicle Deathmatch) rule.

  3. Avoid recklessness: Stay clear of shootouts, don't crash your vehicle intentionally, and avoid actions like leaping from cliffs. Claiming to be a "daredevil" doesn't justify such behavior.

  4. Exceptions: Certain organizations, under specific scenarios, may have some leeway. For example, they might be allowed to escape to protect their assets. This is at the discretion of the staff.

  5. Valuing life in confrontations:

    • Do not bait or force interactions with Organizations or the Police.

    • During robberies or when held at gunpoint, prioritize safety by being compliant. If asked to unlock your vehicle under such circumstances, you must oblige.

In essence, always approach situations with a balance of in-character bravery and genuine concern for your character's well-being.

Rule 14: New Life Rule

The "New Life Rule" is activated once your character has faced a fatal event and hasn't been revived by either an on-duty member from Ambulance Victoria or Fire Rescue Victoria. Here's how it works:

  1. Memory Post-Revival: You only recall the events leading up to your demise if you're brought back by one of the aforementioned services. If friends move your body to a hospital, this doesn't restore your memory. Roleplay as if waking up in a hospital, unaware of how you got there.

  2. Witness Accounts: If someone witnessed your untimely end and informs you afterward, that information is permissible.

  3. Strict Enforcement: This rule is rigorously upheld. While we recognize errors occur, it's crucial to navigate this rule diligently.

  4. Communicating Post-Injury: Upon reaching the death screen, you can't provide a recount of the events or identities involved. You're limited to roleplaying your injuries without disclosing names or specifics. For instance, if you're in a shootout, you can alert allies of your location, but if you're incapacitated before identifying the assailant, you can't reveal who shot you upon their arrival.

  5. Extended Absence of Emergency Services: If 20 minutes elapse post-demise without any emergency service member attending to you, you cannot recall the events leading up to your death, even if you're subsequently attended to.

This rule ensures the continuity and immersion of roleplay experiences, and we appreciate your adherence.

Rule 15: Criminal Crews/Organizations

  1. Crews: Limited to a maximum of 7 members. All crews must be officially registered on the Apollo Criminal Discord.

  2. Criminal Organizations: These are whitelisted groups with a cap of 30 members. Their establishment requires staff approval, and the leaders of these organizations must hold whitelist status within the server.

  3. Applications: If you're looking to establish a criminal organization, applications can be made via our discord server here.

Rule 16: Roleplaying Injuries

In Apollo, realism is paramount:

  1. Injury Roleplay: Your character's injuries in the server should be as authentic as real-life injuries. If you're shot in the chest, for instance, it's expected your character would experience labored breathing and significant distress.

  2. Communication: When injured, it's essential to communicate the nature and severity of those injuries. Using /me to inform paramedics is a fundamental step in this process.

  3. Post-Injury Roleplay: After receiving medical attention, continue to roleplay your injuries until you're officially treated at the nearest hospital. This means that you can't simulate having a severe injury, get revived, and then immediately flee or ignore medical directives.

  4. Vehicle Injuries: In the case of vehicular accidents, especially at high speeds, roleplay the aftermath appropriately. If involved in a high-speed crash, pause to roleplay the shock and possible injuries before proceeding. Crashing at high speeds and immediately continuing as if nothing happened is not permitted. The nature and duration of injury roleplay depend on the severity of the incident.

  5. You must not respawn if you are in an active role-play situation.

Always prioritize realism and empathy for your character's situation. The depth of your roleplaying enhances the experience for everyone involved.

Rule 17: Hostile Roleplay Restrictions

For balanced interactions in Apollo, adhere to the following guidelines regarding police numbers and engagement:

  1. Police Numbers & Hostile Actions: If police presence is marked as "VERY LOW", limit intense confrontations. Minor conflicts involving 1-4 participants are typically acceptable, but final decisions rest with staff discretion. Check the police count in the city via the scoreboard using the HOME key.

  2. Player Robberies: You may only rob other players if the scoreboard indicates a "LOW" police presence.

  3. Store & Bank Heists: Engage in store or bank robberies only when the police status is "LOW".

  4. Emergency Service Worker Immunity: Do not rob any items from emergency services personnel, which includes Ambulance, Fire, and Police departments.

  5. Taking Police Hostage: To take a police officer hostage, for instance, to facilitate an escape, there must be a "LOW" police presence on duty. Remember, creativity in scenarios is encouraged.

  6. Safe Zones: All official whitelisted businesses within the server are recognized as safe zones. Refrain from hostile roleplay within these boundaries.

Your adherence to these guidelines ensures a fair and enjoyable experience for all participants.

Rule 18: Random Death Match

Engaging in violent actions without prior verbal roleplay is prohibited in the server. Before resorting to lethal measures, players are encouraged to explore other creative interactions like kidnapping, intimidation, or verbal threats. Use killing as a last resort. If staff determines that you've bypassed alternative roleplay scenarios and prematurely harmed another player, you may face consequences under the RDM rule. Killing a compliant individual during a robbery or attacking with the sole intent of erasing their memory is a clear violation. This rule will be stringently upheld.

Rule 19: Vehicle Death Match

Using your vehicle to intentionally harm or kill another player is strictly forbidden. While vehicles should not be weaponized in roleplay scenarios, performing a "pit" maneuver at low speeds is permissible. However, when considering a pit maneuver, ensure that it adheres to the realistic driving guidelines, especially regarding speed.

Rule 20: 'Must Win Attitude'

An attitude driven solely by the desire to win is unacceptable. Remember, this is roleplay, and it's natural to experience both victories and defeats.

Rule 21: Real Money Trade (RMT)

Trading, buying, or gifting in-game items or vehicles in exchange for real-world money or any other currency violates the Apollo Networks' guidelines. Violators will face a permanent ban and potential character deletion.

Rule 22: Robbing & Scamming

Robbing or scamming other players in the city is permissible, but only after meaningful interaction or engagement between the involved parties. Meaningful roleplay (RP) entails creating a narrative with depth, context, and character development that enhances the overall experience for all involved. This includes but is not limited to, building backstory, and establishing motives. General hostilities with another group of individuals do not justify repeated robberies of those individuals.

These roleplay scenarios must be thoughtfully planned and transparently communicated. Spontaneously using the "take hostage" emote, hijacking another player's vehicle, or hopping into their trunk without context is deemed as fail RP.

Players primarily focused on robbing for personal or financial gain, or those who habitually commit robberies, will be directed to adjust their roleplay approach or face potential removal. Final decisions lie with the Administration team.

Please note: EMS personnel's items and clean cash are off-limits for theft.

Rule 23: Premade Ped's & Animal Ped's

Using premade GTA PEDs, including animals, without authorization is prohibited. If identified, you will be directed to create a character using the F1 or F5 menu. Non-compliance after this request will lead to staff intervention.

Rule 24: Combat Logging

Players are prohibited from disconnecting or forcefully exiting the game to avoid any roleplay scenario, including but not limited to combat, police chases, and other conflict situations. This rule applies at all times, regardless of the in-game status or real-life circumstances. If you need to leave the game, ensure you are not in an active roleplay situation before doing so.

Rule 25: Advertising

Members are not permitted to advertise or promote other servers on our platforms. This includes posting links, sending direct messages to other members, or any other form of promotion.

Additionally, if you have a hoisted role in the Discord server and your activity status displays another server or group, your role may be removed.

Rule 26: External Discords & Forums

Any Discord server or similar forum that has been created for the purposes of roleplay within Apollo Networks (i.e., business and org discords) must have an Apollo Networks staff member in the server with access to all channels for the purposes of ensuring that our community guidelines are being followed.

Rule 27: Discord Name Formats

You are not required to change your Discord username to match your character name. However, if you participate in a Discord server specifically for role-play interactions and announcements (such as EMS or Business Discords), you must set your Discord nickname to your character name.


  • Tebex Purchases: All purchases via our Tebex store are subject to our Terms of Service which can be found here:

  • External Content and Enforcement: Apollo Networks is not responsible for and will not enforce sanctions for messages and content external to Apollo Networks' platforms, Discord servers, or forums created for the purposes of roleplay within Apollo. This includes private Discords or direct messages. However, enforcing community guidelines outside of our platforms is at the discretion of the Administration team.

    While we generally do not moderate external platforms or DMs, repeated or severe breaches of Rule 1 through these methods may result in staff action under Rule 1. This is managed on a case-by-case basis and will only be enforced in severe circumstances.

Last updated