Org Guidelines

Organisations (orgs) within our server occupy a distinguished role and are expected to exemplify the highest standards within the community. As a member of an organization, you have the privilege and responsibility to elevate the roleplay experiences of your peers and set exemplary precedents. Your foremost duty is to pioneer the evolution of criminal roleplay in the server while being conscientious of the broader implications of your actions on the entire community.

Rule 1: Image of Organisation

Your organisation's image is a direct reflection of the actions of its leaders, members, and associates. The choices you make impact how your organisation is perceived within the roleplay community and its contributions to the city's growth. As part of a whitelisted organisation, you're held to a higher standard. Accepting a position in such an organisation means upholding the server's positive reputation, and it's essential to consider the broader implications of your actions and decisions.

Rule 2: Clothing & Development

  • Organisations have 5 locked clothing items.

  • Every organisation member has access to 5 job role slots.

  • Each organisation can have a custom imported MLO approved by the Development Team.

  • All development requests must be communicated via your organisation Leaders in their respective channels.

Rule 3: Org Strikes

  • Strike One: A Prohibition wearing Organisation Clothing, and a ban on Org related hostilities for 7 days.

  • Strike Two: This will consist of Strike One punishments, with an added Mandatory two week VICPOL Outlaw Order.

  • Strike Three: Organisation Disbandment.

Rule 4: Cards & Bans

  • If an individual receives a yellow card, they will be banned from events and/or war for 14 days. OR until they have produced 250 final bags of Mushrooms.

  • If an individual receives a Red Card or a Ban, they will be banned from events and/or war for 30 days. OR Until they have produced 500 final bags of Mushrooms.

  • You are not allowed any assistance in the making of drugs for punishment.

  • After an individual has made their drugs, they are to get the Organisation Leaders to notify Org Staff. You are to donate ALL of the crafted drugs to a crew picked by Org Staff.

Rule 5: Organisation Blueprints

  • Organisations each will have a unique 1 of 1 AR Blueprint, alongside a selection of monthly blueprints selected via the Org Team.

  • Items exclusive to Organisations, like blueprints and gunpowder, are safeguarded against theft by their own members. For instance, members cannot take a blueprint when departing the Organisation. While blueprints can be acquired through legitimate robbery (given sufficient justification) or purchase, they can also be obtained in a formally declared, government-sanctioned conflict. Organisations possess a unique blueprint which is irreplaceable and immune to sale, theft, or capture. However, any additional blueprints they hold can be sold, stolen, or captured during a government-approved declaration of war.

Rule 6: Hostilities

  • When engaging in hostile activities, a limit of 20 participants is enforced. This group can be a mix of different roles within your Organisation, including trial members and hangarounds. If someone is deemed fit to represent your Organisation in such conflicts, they should at least be recognized as an official member. If collaborating with individuals outside of your Organisation for hostile roleplay, the limit is reduced to 7 participants.

  • Members within your registered 30 can act as scouts or body pickups, gathering intel without direct conflict. Scouts and body pickups can be from any rank within the Organisation. They are not allowed to engage in any hostilities. You are not allowed to outsource intel or body pickups.

  • During any Org related hostilities a 30 minute cooldown is enacted if your are killed. This applies if you are revived via AV, FRV, taken to hospital or you respawn. You are not allowed to actively follow or wait near conflict whilst on your timer. Events will have separate timers.

  • During Organisation vs Organisation conflict or organisation vs gang conflict, participants must wear identifiable clothing that signifies their Organisation's affiliation.

  • For Organisation vs. Organisation combat, specific prerequisites are essential. A LOW status of on-duty police officers, as reflected on the scoreboard, is required to initiate large-scale confrontations, a large-scale confrontation is defined with any hostility over 7 members.

  • When conducting kidnappings, you are not allowed to hold a kidnapped individual within your clubhouse, and you cannot hold an individual kidnapped for longer than 1 hour. You must articulate to the opposing Organisation or Gang why you are kidnapping one of their members, and you must leave them in a position attainable by foot.

  • If a large-scale hostility has started with Police numbers on LOW, that hostility is able to be finished if Police numbers drop below LOW.

  • Organisation vs Organisation hostility is STILL permitted with police numbers at Very low or 0, as long as a maximum of 7 participants from each organisation is met. Clothing still must be worn.

Rule 7: Police Interactions

  • As an Organisation, you are held accountable to a higher standard, setting the benchmark on Police interactions, and overall roleplay within the server. PD wiping is a last resort, and not something we look at lightly. If engaging in hostilities with Police, there needs to be proper form of interaction, declaration and a valid reason.

  • Under no circumstances should individuals be running into active Police scenes, to carry individuals out or to “rescue” your friend. This is classed as fail fear.

  • When conducting hostile roleplay with Police, your death cooldown is 15 minutes.

Rule 8: Clubhouses & Safezones

  • Hostile behavior is allowed near another Organisation's clubhouse, but it must not be taken inside the premises or the main building. While intimidation is permissible, trespassing and initiating gunfire within these boundaries is strictly forbidden.

  • If an Organisation fires from within their clubhouse, the safe zone status will be revoked for 60 minutes or until the conflict is concluded. If an opposing Organisation choses to enter a clubhouse, a breach into the clubhouse must be held within 30 minutes of the voided safe zone status.

  • If you seek refuge in your clubhouse mid hostility, the safe zone status of your clubhouse will also be revoked for that particular hostility.

Rule 9: Money Washing & Org Store

  • Organisation Stores open from Sunday 4PM until Monday 4PM, this is where your Organisation Leaders are able to purchase Gunpowder and other items from this store.

  • Money washes happen on Sunday evening, and are done in roleplay via Org Staff. Money washes randomly vary between 15% and 19% each week.

  • Your Organisation must have a minimum of $20,000,000 Dirty to wash each week.

Rule 10: Drug Markets

  • As an Organisation, you can control ONE drug market. You can only own 100% of one singular drug.

  • You cannot control or own more than your market, if you want to control & own another market, you must change your current market, or fight/make a deal with another organisation for another market.

  • You can get approval from another Organisation to do their drug; but if you are doing said drug you cannot cause hostilities surrounding that drug.

  • Mushrooms are an unclaimable drug & is non hostile.

Rule 11: Powergaming & Usage of Vehicles

  • Certain vehicles are banned from Org vs Org and or Org vs Gang hostilities; these include ALL bulletproof vehicles, hellions and vehicles with GTA Weapons attached.

  • The use of third person in vehicles or on motorcycles is considered powergaming.

  • Using emotes during active hostilities and gunfire is considered powergaming.

  • Usage of flopping in hostilities is considered powergaming.

Rule 12: Wars & Demands

  • When submitting a war application, it must be approved via the Organisation Management Team.

  • You will need to submit who you are submitting a war against, the RP reasoning behind it, how long prior RP surrounding these hostilities has been going on for, and what your demands are.

  • Once this has been approved via Organisation Management, you are able to submit it to the opposing Organisation in a NON Hostile meeting.

  • You are permitted to war another Organisation for their 1 of 1 AR Blueprint. If you win that war, you will be awarded that Organisations blueprint for the remainder of the month. At the end of the month, the winning Organisation will have the option to purchase one of the two AR Blueprints, where the losing Organisation will have the option to buy the remaining blueprint.

  • You are only allowed to demand two items and or markets off your opponent and one roleplay demand. These demands must be centered around the reasoning for hostilities between Organisations.

  • After a war has concluded, the losing Organisation has 24 hours to arrange a meeting, to exchange war goals.

  • There will be a 2 week ceasefire after a war has concluded.

  • There is to be no toxicity, or disrespectful behaviour during, after or before a war.

  • Any items lent to members of the Organisation must be returned.

Rule 13: Sprays

Spray Design

Your spray must be a clear representation of your Organisation or Gang, it must be able to be easily identified as a spray associated with your Organisation or Gang.

Spray Count

Each Organisation will have access to 20 sprays, and each Gang will have 12. The more sprays you have placed, the more rewards, benefits and territory you will have.

Spray Placement

When placing your spray, the location must be visible, and in reach via normal and attainable means without the use of ANY VEHICLE. Sprays that are placed unrealistically, or in improper positions will come under Power Gaming. One spray must also be inside of your clubhouse. All sprays must be touching, if they are not connected in some way it will also be deemed as powergaming. You also cannot add sprays into safe zones, businesses or city central.

Hostilities Surrounding Sprays

Removing or altering others spray’s will be viewed as an immediate hostile action. The spray’s Owner will be immediately notified that one of their sprays is being affected. even if you have waited your 30 minute death cool-down.

Org/Gang Numbers

You are only able to remove another Organisation/Gang’s spray if the opposing Organisation/Gang current online members is above 6. Please also note that when fighting you must still adhere to 20 maximum members in active hostility. Switching job roles as another Organisation is about to take your spray is considered Powergaming. This is logged.

Clubhouse Retainment

You must have a minimum of 7 active sprays placed to have access to your clubhouse. If you do not meet the minimum of 7 sprays actively placed your clubhouse doors will be locked, and you will not be able to open them until all sprays are met.

Spray Perks

  • Bonus drug sale price within your owned territory.

  • No robbing alerts within your owned territory.

  • No shots fired calls within your owned territory.

  • Notifications if individuals not within your Organisation or Gang are selling on your territory.

  • Notifications if individuals are attempting to remove your spray.

Last updated